Table of Contents

A table of contents is meant to help your readers find specific sections and points in your plan.  It’s a good idea to organize your information into major headings with important sub-headings under each.  Think of headings as individuals within a family:  they are distinct, but still fit into the bigger family constellation.  Sub-headings, on the other hand, are not as independent; they must describe the heading topic.  For example, you wouldn’t describe your Dad under the heading of Mom.

Any topic you discuss for more than two paragraphs needs a spot on your table of contents.  If you end up with a five page table of contents, you’ve either missed your salient points or you’re trying to say too much.

You may want to use a software program, such as Microsoft Word to help you create a table of contents.

In the game of life it’s a good idea to have a few early losses, which relieves you of the pressure of trying to maintain an undefeated season.  Bill Vaughan.